Wild Oregano (Oreganum Vulgaris) Essential Oil  5 ml
  • Wild Oregano (Oreganum Vulgaris) Essential Oil  5 ml
  • Wild Oregano (Oreganum Vulgaris) Essential Oil  5 ml

Wild Oregano (Oreganum Vulgaris) Essential Oil 5 ml

11,00 €

Origin Split, Croatia

Distilled in Split, Croatia

Essential oil of oregano is widely recognized for their antimicrobial activity, as well for antiviral and antifungal properties. Nevertheless, recent investigations have demonstrated that these compounds are also potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and cancer suppressor agents.
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At New Directions Aromatics, our Organic Oregano Essential Oil is derived from the Origanum Compactum plant, a species native to Morocco where it is more commonly known as Zaatar – a valued domestic plant with a strong, spicy, tangy aroma and a multiplicity of therapeutic benefits. There are approximately 3 to 4 dozen species of the perennial Oregano herb, which is also sometimes referred to as Wild Marjoram due to its relation to the herb Marjoram. The name Oregano, however, is derived from the Greek term origanon, which means “acrid herb.” When the word is further dissected, the etymology given is that the word compounds the Ancient Greek terms “oros” meaning “mountain” and “ganos” meaning “joy.” When combined, they mean “mountain brightness” or “joy of the mountains.”

Both the herb and the essential oil of Oregano have been used since Ancient times for medicinal purposes. Greek physicians including Hippocrates and Maimonides prescribed it for its antiseptic, disinfecting, and immune-boosting properties as well as for the general health benefits it promoted. Due to its antibacterial properties, it was used to not only preserve food but also to treat wounds and skin infections. Its curative benefits were recommended for digestive issues, headaches, insect bites, and for the relief of common colds. For its cathartic effects, it was also used as a laxative.

The Greek myth surrounding Oregano tells the story of the goddess Aphrodite creating Oregano to be a symbol of happiness meant to make mankind’s life happier. Accordingly, ancient Greek bridal couples had crowns of Oregano placed on their heads due to the belief that it worked as a powerful deterrent for evil spirits. The herb was also placed on the tombs of departed loved ones for the belief that it brought them peace.

When the Romans conquered Greece, they enjoyed the flavor of Oregano and began spreading its cultivation throughout Europe and North Africa, in which regions the herb was used as flavoring for meats, fish, and even wine. Its use continued into the Middle Ages, at which time it was one of the few food flavorings available. Its medicinal application also continued and people would chew the leaves with the hope of relieving indigestion, toothaches, and inflammation, and to suppress coughs. Eventually, Oregano also landed in China at this time, most likely through the Spice Route that extended from the Middle East. Chinese doctors, too, began prescribing the herb for the relief of itchy skin, jaundice, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. In England, Oregano began to be used as an additive to tobacco snuff and as a perfume in sachets.

Oregano Essential Oil is best known today for its ability to treat fungal infections, such as those of the feet and nails, and for its ability to prevent cold symptoms from worsening. With dilution, this oil can be used topically in cosmetic applications or it can be used in aromatherapy.

Some studies actually found that oregano oil is just as effective, if not more effective, than traditional oral antifungal pharmaceutical medications. Oregano oil can be used to treat candida overgrowth in the body, vaginal yeast infections, topical yeast rashes, as well as dandruff.



Oregano Essential Oil’s chemical composition consists of the following constituents: Carvacrol, Thymol, p-Cymene, and γ-Terpinene.

Carvacrol and Thymol are responsible for the essential oil’s powerful antifungal and antibacterial activity. They inhibit harmful bacteria that can potentially cause illness and infection. The oil can be an anti-inflammatory painkiller, a cough treatment, a remedy for nail fungus, and it can also soothe psoriasis.

Used in cosmetics, Oregano Oil is known to have antioxidant activity that fights the look of aging, which results in skin that looks clear and smooth. As such, it can treat acne and brighten the complexion. Applied in massage, Oregano Essential Oil’s anti-inflammatory activity can soothe redness, irritation, bites, and discomforts associated with arthritis and injury.

When used in aromatherapy, Oregano Essential Oil can boost the immune system and improve the efficiency of the respiratory tract by loosening up and eliminating a buildup of mucus and phlegm. It can also soothe throat irritation to suppress coughing fits. The calming and relaxing effects of this sedative oil make it an effective sleep aid when diffused in the bedroom.


COSMETIC: anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, anti-bacterial, anti-aging, stimulant, emmenagogue.

ODOROUS: expectorant, sedative, stimulant, anti-tussive

MEDICINAL: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-tussive, expectorant, stimulant.