Wild Olive (Olea Oleaster) Extract 30 ml
22,00 €
Origin: Croatia
Ingredients: 1:1 Organic Alcohol, Olive leaves dried
NO additives, coloring, added sugar, gluten, soy or GMOs.
Keywords: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, hypotensive, antiviral.
Energetics: Cooling, drying.
Olive tree leaves have been widely used in traditional remedies in European and Mediterranean countries. They have been used in the human diet as an extract, an herbal tea, and a powder, and they contain many potentially bioactive compounds that may have antioxidant, antihypertensive, antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and hypocholesterolemic properties.
Intervention: 5 to 10 drops per day.
Treatment: 10-15 drops, 3 times per day max.
Directions for use
Shake before using. Take directly on the tongue or in a half glass of water or tea, 15 to 30 minutes
before meals. For long-term treatment, use 6 days out of 7.
Mode of Action
Olive leaves are abundant in a range of known phenolic groups that are broadly clustered into secoiridoids (including oleuropein and oleuropein-aglycone), flavonoids (such as rutin and luteolin-7-glucoside), and simple phenols (such as hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol). Of these, secoiridoids are characteristically present in the Oleaceae family that well applies to Olea europaea L. , have notably gained attention owing to their distinctive potential for biological activity. Iridoids, usually with glycosidic structure in plants, derive mainly from monoterpenes. The ring-breakage of cyclopentane gives rise to the formation of secoiridoids that are typically attached to glycosides and distinguished by the presence of elenolic acid linkage within their atomic arrangements.
Among the most typical phenolics in olive leaves include hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, rutin, and oleuropein. Indeed, oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol are detectably prominent in olive leaves. Oleuropein, a key component of secoiridoids in olive leaves is characterised by an ester linkage of elenolic acid glucoside and hydroxytyrosol. Because of its unique secoiridoid structure, it is organoleptically characterised by a strong bitterness. The concentration of oleuropein in olive leaves has been reported to be in the range of 6 to 9%, dry basis. Bouaziz and Sayadi, in their research on evaluating antioxidant ability of olive leaves from Tunisian cultivar, observed that oleuropein (6.8 g/100 g fresh leaves) was the principal phenolic constituent in the leaves of olive trees.
The protective attributes of oleuropein are reflected typically by their inhibiting effects against oxidation, microbial disorders, inflammation, and platelet aggregation. In addition, oleuropein is found to be effectively capable of re-building the tissue damage, caused by cisplatin in stomach and lung organs. It is noteworthy that the phenolic concentration in olive drupes is comparatively as great as those in olive leaves, however the proportion adversely decreases during the maturation and processing steps. For example, significant depletion of oleuropein, during processing, is highly likely, particularly through enzymatic reactions and de-bittering operations. The degradation of oleuropein in olive processing further merits exploitation of olive leaves, as oleuropein is appreciably retained/unaffected in olive by-products. In principle, there are numerous decisive factors, acting dependently or independently, that markedly determine the proportion, structural feature, and bioavailability of polyphenols in olive leaves.
Helpful Associations
Wormwood extract (available at Blissdorf)
Diatomaceus Earth (available at Blissdorf)
Typically a short tree that rarely exceeds 8 to 15 meters in height, the olive tree flowers are small, white and feathery, and the leaves are a silver-green color. The olives are harvested in the green-to-purple stage and the seed of the olive is commonly referred to as the pit, and in Britain, it’s called a stone.
In the early 1800s, crushed olive leaves were used in drinks to lower fevers, and a few decades later, they were used in tea as a treatment for malaria. In Moroccan medicine, olive leaf is infused in order to stabilize blood sugar and control diabetes. These medicinal benefits of olive leaf extract comes from the plants powerful compounds.
One bioactive compound present in olive leaves is the secoiridoid oleuropein, which can constitute up to 6–9 percent of dry matter in the leaves. Other bioactive components include secoiridoids, flavonoids and triterpenes. These are plant metabolites that provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects.
Oleuropein, one of the primary compounds in olive leaf, has attracted attention since the early 1900s because of its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Studies have found that oleuropein, which is a polyphenol, is a potent antioxidant that helps to lower blood pressure naturally and prevent cardiovascular disease. Oleuropein also displayed anti-cancer functions when it made tumors in animals regress or disappear.
Olea oleaster, the wild-olive, has been considered by various botanists a valid species and a subspecies of the cultivated olive tree, Olea europea, which is a tree of multiple origins that was domesticated, it now appears, at various places during the fourth and third millennia BCE, in selections drawn from varying local populations. The wild-olive (Ancient Greek κότινος/kótinos), which ancient Greeks distinguished from the cultivated olive tree (Ancient Greek ἐλαία/ἐλἀα), was used to fashion the olive wreath awarded victors at the ancient Olympic games. The ancient and sacred wild-olive tree of Olympia stood near the Temple of Zeus, patron of the games.
Today, as a result of natural hybridization and the very ancient domestication and extensive cultivation of the olive throughout the Mediterranean Basin, wild-looking feral forms of olive, called "oleasters", constitute a complex of populations, potentially ranging from feral forms to the wild-olive. The wild-olive is a tree of the maquis shrubland, itself in part the result of the long presence of mankind.
The drought-tolerant sclerophyllous tree is believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. It still provides the hardy and disease-resistant rootstock on which cultivated olive varieties are grafted.
In the fourth century BCE Theophrastus, the most prominent pupil of Aristotle, wrote an Enquiry into Plants that stands at the head of the literary tradition of botany. Modern botanists often struggle to identify the plants named and described by Theophrastus, and modern naming conventions often make spurious links. An example is the modern genus Cotinus, which, though named after the ancient Greek kotinos, is unrelated to the wild-olive.
Theophrastus noted the kinship of wild-olive with the cultivated olive, but his correspondents informed him that no amount of pruning and transplanting could transform kotinos into olea. Through lack of cultivation, he knew, some cultivated forms of olive, pear or fig might run wild, but in the "rare" case where wild-olive was spontaneously transformed to a fruit-bearing one, it was to be classed among portents. He noted that wild kinds, such as wild pears and the wild-olive tended to bear more fruits than cultivated trees, though of inferior quality, but that if a wild-olive was topped it might bear a larger quantity of its inedible fruits. He noted that the leaf-buds were opposite.
Timber of the wild-olive was valued: it was proof against decay, and was not affected by shipworm, which was a valuable feature in shipbuilding. It also provided stout handles for carpenters' tools.
None to note.
Olive leaf may enhance the hypotensive effect of blood pressure–lowering agents or other herbal products with blood pressure–lowering effects.