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Chilcuague Golden Root (Heliopsis longipes) Extract Spray 20 ml
25,00 €
Origin: Mexico
Ingredients: 2:1 Organic alcohol, Chilcuague dried roots.
Clove and Propolis Extract.
Keywords: antiseptic, antibiotic, analgesic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and digestive, sore troat, herpes, canker sores.
The word chilcuague has its origin in the Nahuatl because this plant was recognized as Chilcoatl (chil for spicy and coatl for the shape of its root that looks like a snake) this the ultimate all purpose natural remedy.
Known as 'Raiz de oro', or golden root, this plant carries many powerful healing properties. Its use dates back to the pre hispanic indigenous cultures of central Mexico. This medicine comes to us from the Sierra de Alvarez in Central Mexico.
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